Saturday, November 10, 2012

Nicholas Rastorguev condition worsens

State operates a few days ago, Nicholas Rastorguev raises serious concerns among doctors. Two days after transplantation suddenly developed fever, start "skip" button. Experts fear that the body is an inflammatory process. Today in the morning from the famous musician not differ doctors. The 52-year-old Nicholas Vyacheslavovich sudden fever, high blood pressure dramatically. The survey found that the transplant does not work. The singer had even connected to an artificial kidney. Nicholas Rastorguev - kidney testify or not - is hard to say - the doctor of the Institute of Transplantation, where Rastorguev underwent surgery. - A patient donor organ begins to operate completely in 10 days. And a further two months. Well no conclusions yet. Experts are concerned that Nicholas V. fever. During the day he entered a few injections of antibiotics but the fever subsides. This is not a good sign. To say that the body does not reject the donor organ - - together with doctor. - Yesterday it was good. Kidney seems to work. Perhaps now, the body was a failure.

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