Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Vick Dayneko entertained the girls in Dubai

After much touring Dayneko decided to relax on one of the most exclusive resorts - in Dubai. Where and placed in the company of girls spicy show. Dayneko famous for its inaccessibility. Many parents put the singer in the footsteps of their children because they think it is very clean and not spoiled. But recently. Vicki stolen laptop, in which they held the majority of snapshots, including the photo report from last stay in Dubai Vick holds very sexy one of the bridesmaids at his chest - I'm wildly - not hide emotions Dayneko. - It was not ready for it. The laptop gave me a loved one with whom we have been separated, but the thing has a special meaning for me. In a computer, I kept all the most personal - photos, record. My biggest fear is that. Pop electronic diary which I am daily There are many revelations. While on one of the capital, near the supermarket parking lot singer was the food in the trunk of his car, the unknown, opening the back door, stole a laptop. Vick found missing just a few hours. To the police, the singer did not want to, not the belief in success. And found: on the Internet on one of the fan portals have pictures Dayneko holiday in Dubai. In pictures 23-year-old Vick breaks with friends. Girls in what can not be denied - paw each other, lying in bed, swimming in the ocean at night. "Modest" Vick holds very sexy one of the bridesmaids at his chest. After seeing the pictures on the internet, turned Dayneko to Villain: - Comrades thieves, in tears I urge you to return me a laptop for a decent profit "EC"

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