Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Meladze: "They say that without the" Via Gra "I find it anywhere?"

Next Clip Meladze traditionally filmed in Kiev with a proven team - director Simon Gorov operated Alexei Stepanov and stylist Angela Fox. Missing only the beauty of the "VIA Gra". - At this time we will do without faith, Nadi and Albina - were "facts" Meladze. - I have so much to talk with them, the critics say, "Meladze without" VIA Gra "is nowhere." Now they will have no such opportunity. At the time, I have decided to limit his work to this popular group. But the relationship with the girl is still innocent. No babes in the video is not done yet. Meladze surrounded by dancers in traditional costumes from different countries: Ukraine, Georgia, Russia, China, Africa, and the singers sing at the time: "I am a stranger everywhere ..." As Valery himself admitted, this song shows the state of his soul, which is torn between three countries: Georgia, where he was born in the Ukraine, where he grew up and studied and Russia, where it a career and lives with his family. "- Admitted Meladze -. I love this country I know that they are in reality, and was very excited when I am distorted news I look torn between the three countries, everywhere you want your own, at home.". Though not a comic song, was the atmosphere on the set fun. Meladze brothers - Valery and Constantine - all the time "pin-up" each other. But, as a popular singer, best played him a trick of the journalist that Valery at night when no one is watching, jogging, wrote to lose weight. "It is not true. I'm not fat and happy with my form, "- has denied rumors the singer was after two days working in a stuffy room with his brother Valeri relax in the bath and was in the Ethnographic Open-Air Museum in Pirogovo foot ..

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