Saturday, November 17, 2012

Armed in Rostov-on-Don Valeri Meladze with sword

Before a concert in Rostov-on-Don ladies pet Meladze was determined not militant, and philosophical - in one of the local movie theater, he saw "Alice in Wonderland". In the evening he returned to the routine of everyday life - bunch of red roses, kisses enthusiastic fans. In the middle of the ideas Meladze, slightly dampened by a passionate embrace, sternly warned: - Dear girls, please do not go on stage to the music! Artist unnerved that viewers ask by presenting a bouquet to take a photo with him. True, Valerie quickly handles irritation and gallantly offered to help all the ladies who are in high heels down the stage. All are not kissing. Cossack a real sword singer after the concert Idol viewers Rostov hour and a half in the locker room pass imprisoned - decided that the services of a local barber, the organizers of the tour was invited, and use a haircut for free. And refused, with the Rostov journalists who know why did that "Viagra" communicate drove compatriot Tatyana Kotova. Instead pop maestro correspondents met with the Don Cossacks, wrote "EC". Handed Cossack with the singer this sword - for the fact that the singer always speaks fondly of the Don region. The new theater Meladze Cossacks came out swinging machetes. As if. Defending the invisible enemy Maybe Alice remembered. This time - and his head from his shoulders!

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