Saturday, June 29, 2013

Avraam Russo showed his scars

After three and a half years after the horrific attack Avraam Russo said the error that nearly prevented doctors could cost him his life long disability. According to the singer told Life Showbiz, medical institutes. Sklifosofskogo wanted to amputate his leg. Well, if Russo had returned to Russia, he was immediately planned study at the Moscow neurosurgeons. - You cut off his leg because the blood would not be able to stop, - said Dr. Russo. - I was told: These options were discussed when I was unconscious. Seems so. Wake up eventually say anything, but you said ". I saved your life" "Now look" - promised Abraham is a specialist leg, this will always be a big scar. Medical Institute. Sklifosofskogo wanted to amputate his leg - U.S. doctors were horrified - recalls the actor. - Everything you've done for me, has used the method in the '40s ... And what could I do, with my eyes closed? Moreover, I do not think understand. Unfortunately, over the years, Rousseau - he had no choice - learned that a thousand times more medical formalities. After the terrible massacre of the famous artists that rocked the country, doctors Sklifosovsky Institute Abraham fought for life for more than 5 hours. They removed the bullet from the hip, leg and groin area artists to make two difficult operations, but for the full restoration of the functions needed leg nerve transplantation. Today the singer surprisingly quiet shows the scars of 3-year-old who "decorated" the whole leg - In America I had a nerve transplant, was a professor, a neurosurgeon, he took the case: It took 5 hours - said the victims. Today the singer is surprisingly quiet shows the scars of 3-year-olds, the "decorated" the whole leg. - Here is a Russian made, but here it is - the Americans, transplanted nerve here ... What cost nerve survive 1000 days nightmare wife of Abraham Morelli knows no doctor in the world. But this beautiful woman with a man's character, give him a daughter who stays close every second.

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