Sunday, July 21, 2013

"With PM" safe "can not say goodbye"

"With PM" in the beginning of March, the album "not to adopt." More than six years of admirers Vyacheslav Bodolika, Jean-Milimerova Grigorieva, Marat Chanysheva and Pete Samuel Jason, who became famous in the late 90s as part of the "Prime Minister", is waiting for a new numbered album of their favorite musicians. Much time has passed, and it has changed the way of life of the participants in the group, and throughout the Russian show business. - Yes, we have a long time working on this record. - With "show business news» Vyacheslav Bodolika shared -.. But I think this time is justified represented especially on the plate by 21 composition, plus a bonus to be accompanied by a DVD with videos for songs from this album . And its no less - six This is the song "Go" (which we did at that time in 2005, and in fact with her, and began work on the plate), "Pioneer", "No Goodbye" (which was "Let's try to go back." the album name), also two duet clip - ". For Elise, "a duet with our Italian friend Toto Cutugno" La Mia Musica "and a duet with rapper Earrings" With PM »" not adopt "Besides duet work with Sergey and Toto Cutugno, on the album, you can group the duo hear "With PM" with Matia Bazar - "Tanto, Tanto". And in the recording of the song "She's just like you" and is from representatives of the female folk group in part. - An experiment, but interesting movements in this album will be a lot - Pete said Samuel Jason. - In a couple of songs we recorded unusual instruments was taken at different times of tours, vacations. In the song, "100%" signed flamenco guitarist. Separate agreements with us helped Dominik Joker. We even decided to write to the Tatar folk song - the way your favorite song of the former president of Tatarstan Meytimira Shaimiev! So in some of the songs we sung in foreign languages, has arrived! In general, almost the first time we were able to all 200 percent control of their own creativity. Every note, every sound, every otslushivalos us argued. So, the album "No Goodbye" - a big step forward for us. "In general, almost the first time we were able, we can all 200 percent control of their own creativity" is worth mentioning that. With rare exception, the authors of the album were "even members of the band" With PM "- Said Jean Grigoriev Milimerov - - We are all creative people, all we are interested not only sing, but the songs that are true impressions. However, we would not be without those who have helped us to have coped well . About Dominic Joker and our colleagues with whom we sang a duet, said here. I want to thank Konstantin separately Gubin, which a lot of poems and wrote aranzherovok on our music. After the plate "with PM" go on tour to the . to promote album already painted the team tour schedule until autumn. - We are happy as ever - Said in an interview with Marat Chanyshev -. Honestly, want to now get into the studio and write more and more songs and by the way! so do we. We write songs and then going to decide what and when we come to write. So for the new license and nenomernyh albums from the group waiting "with PM." And look at the concerts!

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