Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Maxim Leonids will put a musical

Maxim Leonids together with Moscow Alexander Shavrina wrote a musical. Artist of the details of the plot were not disclosed - is only known that the action of the play takes place in Moscow in the late 20s of the XX century. As I said, Maxim said Intermedia, he is now in talks with several theaters on the implementation of the production. According to Mr. Leonidov, ideally, he would like to see this musical full copyright and act not only as a composer but also as a producer and actor. Maxim Leonids its more specific plans for the singer, the album of love poetry Education said 30-50-ies. It will feature 12 songs, the Maxim Leonids as "light music of the time." According to him, a dozen of these things are in the flow hurray-patriotic marches was not easy. Instrumental Composition for the audio recording is the last century: "We do not want to do remakes or modern jazz." Musician is to restrict the release of the album, and plans to prepare a concert program of the old songs. Perhaps it is not only Soviet and American music at the time.

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