Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Auburn "Ivan" swimming with the dolphins

Soloist "Ivanushki International» Andrei Grigoriev went Apollo to Moscow Dolphinarium. Andrew, his wife Marina and their eldest son, met Ivan the friendly dolphins. Vanya was looking forward to these beautiful animals and went to the pool first, without waiting for Mom and Dad . marine mammals friendly with the guests played at the ball, it rolled onto his back, and even the song Andrew, his wife Marina and their eldest son, met Ivan hospitable Dolphins - I'm very happy in Moscow Dolphinarium be - approved "show business news NEWSmusic.ru "Andrew. - In case of contact with the dolphins, feel very different, they have an amazing energy! I think that today I am so with energy that my day instead of h at a speed of 120 km / h! Little Vanya to the question, did the Dolphins the most difficult to answer, because they were his best friends. The boy admitted that dreams of the future, a marine mammal trainer. And while my mother Vanya Marina limited role of the audience, the Moscow Dolphinarium see and appreciate the ability of marine artists.

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