Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Zhanna Friske calculate the parodist

Zhanna Friske invited famous impersonator and head Anatoly Evdokimov show to star in her music videos. The other day a popular diva celebrated her birthday, which was very funny performance of the known parodist Anatoly Evdokimov. Birthday boy danced to your favorite tracks on the stage together with Anatoly, and after the show, the artist has invited to his table. Communication is not limited to the stars complementarity and toast to the health, the actress Anatolia have very specific business proposal - the lead role in her music videos. - I saw a few years Anatolia at a birthday party of Anna Semenovich - says Jeanne - and immediately fell in love with this wonderful artist and human being. Even then I had the idea to do something, but I did not know that now the singer appeared a brilliant idea - shoot video with a sequel. It is already known that the new album consists of nine songs and Frisco all nine tracks is planned to remove the clip, a common history. Anatoly Evdokimov play in this mini-movie co-star. - We are the real Joan sine and many already navydumyvali series of scenarios for future videos, - says Anatoly - you only do their implementation. We already know that the clip is the first joint summer. In this context, the artists decided to break for a few days to get to the sea to absolutely identical tan. - A couple of days at sea will take place in the form and we will be a great beginning of our creative relationship - Anatoly jokes.

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