Saturday, July 6, 2013

Syutkin: The best gift - a kiss woman

Valery Syutkin talked about how going to celebrate his birthday and the presents he waits. - Valery, happy you! Where and how you want to mark the anniversary - it is not public, and a circle of close friends, especially fictional place. This is not just a restaurant and not a house. But the evening is closed. Now preparing surprises for the guests - said: "KP" Valery. Valery Syutkin - sing, probably one of their favorite hits for friends? - According to the mood. - What kind of gifts waiting for? - For me a gift - communication with relatives, her attention. Very pleasant evening in their area - better than any souvenir. - The woman, what to give? - Kiss! Is there a better way to kiss a woman? In addition to its own festivals, the hero of the day preparing a feast "Cherry Orchard". Enough time and good moments. - Recently returned from Paris, where my wife and I celebrated 15 years marriage, and again in May to fly going somewhere for a few days, - Valery.

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