Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Pseudo-Smash! Topalov reconciled with Lazarev

To Sergey and Vlad decided not to sue the boy band Fahrenheit to perform their hit Talk to me. Having learned that the Taiwanese boy band Fahrenheit blatantly stole from the Russian group Smash! Song Talk to Me and successfully copied sailing Far Charts complete with his version of the song, former soloist Smash! not present the court as our stars do in similar situations like. Bummer reconciled Sergey Lazarev and Vlad Topalov, who remained in the hair. Sergey Lazarev Sergey Lazarev, as soon as he learned of the incident, immediately laughed and protested at the same time, weighed the arguments and later shared his position. - I also have a repertoire of "covers" like Shattered Dreams, and in general it is a normal international practice - said "TD" Sergey Lazarev. - Well, is the song Talk to Me, which we published a few years ago in Taiwan it become so popular, albeit in a different version. Difficult for me to understand what they were singing, but I think that the original is much better. Vlad Topalov "dug deeper." Vlad Topalov - Funny these guys Taiwanese amused me, but in general, this song is owned by Universal, - said the singer. - Maybe they could do to these guys and give our song. In general, the whole situation has once again confirmed that Smash! - This phenomenon is in the entertainment business, we have set a bold point in music history. But we do not care and Sergei were the best!

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