Thursday, September 26, 2013

"Do not hurt me, sir," - Podolsky sing on "Euro Vision 2005"

Chief guest worker Russian show business Natalia Podolsky gave a press conference for their participation in "Euro Vision". Producers vowed non-format with the same zeal as the last time they swore format. The problem, as always, all the same, since the Soviet Prime Minister Pavlov: our people are poor. In the past year, said Aksyuta presents high-quality sheet-singer Julia Savicheva and states that if you give the Russians to vote for their party of "Euro Vision", they are a group, select "Hands up." At the press conference of the Russian participants Natalie Podolsky said her producer, composer and a good grower Victor Drobysh Natalia discuss the song sing on "Euro Vision". The song is beautiful - a kind of Brit-pop sounds with a crunch, in which Natalia Podolsky almost like Dolores O `Riordan, but the Russian public, it is not yet satisfied. The song is not linger, not sweet, not a Russian word. The whole point, as always, the people - it was used on other music, less rigid. But the song is not in the format of "Euro Vision", and this should help. Yuri Aksyuta, Director Department of music channel "First Channel", a song by a really proud, reported. It is, in his opinion, one of the hardest and makes sense. The point is, is by the way very political. In orange, almost NATO Ukraine Natalia Podolsky have to sing a song full of reproaches America to destroy and humiliate her girls because boys her crazy. It says, "No one hurt anyone," the translated either "Do not hurt me, uncle," or "Do not hurt me, gentlemen." Finn wrote it and some Americans. Strange text to the last degree, but of course totally politicized atmosphere orange "Euro Vision" is adequate. Again, you can rely on the innate instinctive anti-Americanism of Europeans with some token with the bombing - you see, and can take place any. Podolsky should win of course. Yuri Aksyuta - This was said by all present at the press conference, and most everything. However, he was not so sure, like last year, with Savicheva. In Podolia has several advantages - for example, it is nearing the end of his number - is 20, and the song is very good again. But the countries that lost in the dust last year and this year to participate in the semifinals, the winners - to love the audience sees these musicians, not just once but twice, and have time and remember. Ruslan (the word was given to the press conference with some effort) won under these circumstances (no one said "why"). The situation is complicated in a word. The referendum. Last year, for the first time the people voted directly into the competition. For the first time the audience chose the Russian challenger. Related to this is two stories. First, the "channel" is not made public and will never public figures - the number of votes. This is the main channel position: not tease the geese amount earned on money free of charge, no journalists allowed to speculate that participation in the nationwide vote a hundred or a thousand or a hundred and thousands of millions of Russian people. But that's not the point. The main thing to Igor Burenkov, Director of Public Relations, "First Channel", and Yuri Aksyuta, director of the administration, was no fraud and vote-rigging is not and could not be. The channel had the right to choose an effort of the participant. Could call a board and decide how the last time. And the people sought solely for the love of the counter and for the sake of justice. After all, they (and we) do not shine under. Because not enough good songs and wise guidance, you need something else. Ruslan, producer and owner of his own advertising agency, zapadenskaya business lady come on the scene in the first second, took the audience for the udder and with determination and brazenly held and do not release. Can the Podolsky this? Of course she is not anemic, as Savicheva, "First Channel", do not bet this time on pedophilia. But you will not - their plans for the future is determined by the manufacturer, in the summer it does not let go, and the only freedom - hairstyle with bangs - Drobysh broke almost all the production away. It is red, white, soft - like Savicheva and Stotskaya. Someone out there in the "First" to conservative taste. Even for the "Euro Vision".

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