Saturday, January 26, 2013

Irina Bogushevskaya delayed recording of the album

Irina Bogushevskaya abandoned plans to settle in the summer in the studio to record a new album. Several reasons for the decision - the uncertainty of the political situation in the country prior to the complexity of the company "Miel", which sponsored several projects singer. Recently the company has been searched. "Recording the album I suffered So far, in the fall, but we will see." - Irina Bogushevskaya says in his blog. Irina Bogushevskaya has already done a number of observations, "Bute is in the inner circle and press the brightest -. Those who like to change the world for the better and is willing to work 25 hours a day, those who have the unique ability to create new and even those who have not only the mind and the will, but also know the courage to defend their views ... When I read about all of this, there was a feeling that came from the Russian reality "animate" suddenly said teachers, who clearly displayed in large dystopia / utopia Ayn Rand building with only one difference, the bad guys who can not think for themselves, or to create "Atlas shrugged.." - yes, just not in a position to competently manage - and only know how to point and (Ayn Rand does not know, of course, the term "cut"), we have in stock Separate mourning for me, in the field of the production. entered children's musical production, is the redirection of the same children. Okay, brain drain. Brains, after leaving the Institute, at least take their Russian. But say what languages, is most of these kids parents who now hunted .. . My grief, sadness. To draw any conclusions for themselves, I can not do. Because if they do, then it will be necessary to do something about it. So far looking only - mostly to himself, and at the sides "Intermedia.

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