Sunday, May 26, 2013

Young people are not afraid of loud music. Vain

Listening to loud music is understood by most of the young people as a serious problem, even though three of the five hear ringing in your ears after a concert. These results are published in the April issue of the journal "Pediatrics." They are based on the responses 6.148 3.310 girls and boys. The questionnaire was published on the website of MTV March 2002. Average age of respondents is 19 years. The study was conducted Massachusetts Eye and Ear Hospital, part of Harvard Medical School. After warning that loud music can lead to lifelong hearing loss, two-thirds of respondents said they agree on earplugs or other protective measures. Only eight percent of those who responded to the questions, hearing loss should a major problem. By comparison, think about half of the respondents said that the big problem is the disease transmitted through sexual contact. Almost the same proportion of young people think the same thing about alcohol, drugs, smoking and depression. Sixty-one percent of respondents feel a ringing in the ears or uncomfortable after a concert, 43 percent -. Following a visit to the club But only 14 percent used earplugs. At the same time, with 66 percent of them agreed to use the "protection" for the ears when they face a lifetime of hearing loss know. "Good news - the fact that many young people indicated that they begin with" "to get heard ... if they can recommend a doctor," protection -. Said Dr. Ronald Ivey, who participated in the study The article states that according to several studies conducted in different countries, the trend of hearing loss has increased by excessive noise, especially among young people. If you stay in a loud tone for a short time, do not usually cause permanent hearing damage, the repeated finding in these conditions lead to small problems in childhood to serious problems with the years.

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