Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Vlad Topalov had to make an AIDS test

Results of the HIV test, the Vlad Topalov in the past week. The singer HIV is not detected. Vlad, one of the most ardent supporters of the campaign "Stop AIDS - for all" was for HIV at the Center for AIDS Prevention "ANTIVICH" tested on 8th Street. Mountains Falconry, 15 Bldg 3rd Topalov to be tested anonymously and free of charge. Singer assigned number, which is in four days he learned the result. "If the test is negative, this means that the body is not HIV positive if -..... You're infected with me is all good analysis I am not very concerned about the problem of HIV in our country, I have a hit test because this issue affects everyone sees me Hopefully, others want to do the same procedure we need to get their health and that of our loved ones will appreciate I understand the importance of my actions, because no one is safe from the disease, "-... said Vlad. The need to get tested for AIDS has been on the fact that previous Vlad Topalov has announced that it will act as an active supporter of the fight against AIDS in Russia. "Stop AIDS" to participate in the campaign in the context Vlad activities under the campaign "Stop AIDS" will be to use all the features of "SMASH!" Access to a young audience to disseminate important information about the prevention and treatment of HIV / AIDS. Information campaign "Stop AIDS" appear on the album and production "SMASH!" Will be distributed at events and move through the online resources of the project. Vlad will take in special activities and events, campaigns, and informational "Stop AIDS." "SMASH!" Connects together its extensive network of fan clubs with local AIDS organizations. "I have a great opportunity to influence the attitude of my students, HIV / AIDS and to stop the spread of HIV in Russia - said Vlad. - I'll do anything to motivate your students to not only learn more about HIV / AIDS and their attitude to rethink against HIV and behavior, but also change the movement "Stop AIDS" and there are also an activist. "

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