Vlad Topalov, not as a singer of "Smash" action. Now Vlad Topalov - solo artist. For him, the history of the project is "Smash" Finished recording their third album. Topalov has signed a contract with "Gramophone Music" and plans to release a solo album. Vlad Topalov, not as a singer of "Smash" action. Now Vlad Topalov - solo artist. For him, the history of the project is "Smash" Finished recording their third album. Topalov has signed a contract with "Gramophone Music" and plans to release a solo album. This record will be only new songs, both in Russian and in English. Previously recorded a few songs. "For me, means a lot and is But time does not stand still today fulfills all obligations to the company Universal Music Russia, and I'm starting a new story in his own name," Smash "-... Vlad Topalov In the spring I will be the to present my audience first solo album, "- says Topalov. After the departure of Sergei Lazarev "Smash" At the end of 2004, Vlad Topalov, one had to be bound by a contract with Universal to publish Pledged "Smash" At three albums for Universal. By the time of the collapse of the duo recorded two albums were released. The third disc Vlad had to write. Contain all the songs in this album overhang Topalov were back. Release of the third album by Vlad Topalov put ball in the history of the last two years: the project may not be up, Vlad Topalov, who opened his new side as a solo artist, "Smash." Topalov is now working with the company "Gramophone Music" and the Swedish-American company "ego functions". In his online diary, Vlad has described the decision: Gruppi SMASH! bolshe net. Teper-ya budu vistupat-kak Vlad Topalov. Ya schitau chto eto i spravedlivo chestno.Spustya god raboti ya ponyal chto Smash eto vsegda bili est i budut vlad i seren'ka. I vse. Vi vsegda nas takimi lubili i tak i doljno bit. Esli Smash kogda NIBUD i tolko Takim kakim on Budet bil ..! Eto ya ya, a zovut menya vlad. Ya nadeus vi poimete, ochered ved v pervuu ya eto Delau chto bi bit spravedlivim i chestnim pered Vami V svyazi s etim ADRES oficial-nogo saita menyaetsya. Teper-ih budet dva: Russian version English version of v and v www.vladtopalov.ru www.vladtopalov.com. Forum budet bez poter-perenesen, i mi vse vmeste s Vami pereedem Novoe Mesto na jitel-STVA. Chto kasaetsya SMASH! Club to s segodnyashnego dnya. Budet on nazivatsya Fan Club Vlada Topalova Wed dolgo obdumivali nazvanie i k prishli vivodu, chto etot variant samii pravilnii. Nadeus chto eto izmenenie pomenyaet nash nastroi i dast nam novuu volnu v Moei e vashei jizni i vse budet prosto ne realno. Eeks vas lublu i staraus dlya vas! Vsegda vash Vlad-ka ......
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