Utah comes back from maternity leave with a concert in the "orange" on 26 January. Browser News Music Vadim Ponomarev spoke with the singer on the eve of her return to the big stage. - The first and most important question, of course, the baby. How is he? - If I start talking about it, he immediately grandmother aunt pshikat start for me, and talk about the characters. I respect their relationship, but I want them to respect my position. So feel free to say - thank God, all is well. It feels great. I'll like it - are on our large pavilion, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior look, and he looked at him, sleep and generally happy with life. Even more so than the specific walk everywhere. - And now, as I understand it, you come back to the show business? - Actually, I came back to it a few months ago. Deadlines holiday pictures are not allowed. You know - not. And somehow all easily obtained. The first film, which in January called "Afterlife". The second film, "If Only" - where all the music was written, and now all assembled and reduced. The third film, which has no name yet, and he has yet to be shot - it's written music. - Only music? Men do not like to play in epizodik actress? - I had epizodik experience at the beginning. Subway passes through the main character, and pedestrians to meet him. This is one of the passers-by to play. - Even you are planning to write a book of poems. - Two years of work stretched over it, and that's done. Already working designer to cover the left. Maketiruem. At least the selection of poems for her past. It will be called "City of Spring" and the presentation of the book on 26 Feb. make in "points". - When I asked Diane Arbenin about her book of poetry, she said that the lyrics - it is not the song. So you book is divided into tracks and songs. - I feel like a poet, not nonsense. There will always be something of a women's poetry. Do not judge me, of course. But if you write, you need to write. The book is also enough room lyrics. Most of the poems - three or four quatrains. The book was written over a long period of time, and it is interesting to follow their own development. Re-read a poem cry, and, "My God!" And as some would say: Poetry is always a very intimate thing, "Oh, yes son of a bitch". So, if I remember the date of the letter, be sure to put it. - However, there are plans to release a new album soon? - No, no such plans. I want to begin to compose a new album. For his release have a lot of time. Recently we were in the studio, Valery Syutkin, and told me that he writes albums quickly. Or quickly, or in some way. I do not know. I have long nurtured the idea for a long time I select a song, you write it down. Me - or long, or in any way. Maybe in the fall release. Me - or long, or in any way - what the audience expect on your first concert after a long hiatus? - Waves I have to say, terrible. Never in my life so do not worry. For what? First, 26 January, we'll see - that's good. Second, there is a tradition - when the program is "rest" for a while, not a game, then when you start to play it, it sounds a thousand times cooler. It's always an emotional collapse. Third, there may be new songs. It will be a funny thing. The fact is that when I went to the store for a rattle, it was just from the sounds that make them wonder. I do not know how not to move the children out of the roof of the number of different sounds, but I decided that for a concert - it's the most it. When I said that, because the children can sound Maracas - in life would not have believed it. They make a wonderful sound! So the concert is rattling sounds. Come on - you hear something incredible. - I can not ask how dare quarrel with your employees "crematorium". - It was very funny. I learned it from the news. I called Max He says he is also the first time I've heard of it. Only as long as there was a break, he decided to help "crematorium" on the way, and to go with them. None of them continuing to work is applicable, we have signed a contract with him for several years. It was a nice gesture from him. All is well. - And the last question. All are wondering how to celebrate New Year and Christmas. - I baked cakes. It does not matter that I did not put something there and not salted. The main thing is that I did it! Olivier was on the table - where do without him? My husband drank non-alcoholic champagne, baby, out of solidarity with the child. In general, the new year, I went into a full childhood. No adult action! Vadim Ponomarev, NEWSmusic.ru Photo Anton Belitsky
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