London trio The Tiger Lillies ("Tiger Lilies") was formed in the late 80s. They were compared to The Pogues and Tom Waits, and ranked as the street style opera, cabaret, and post-punk. All world music from Gypsy Ballads, German cabaret, French chanson dirty prison blues songs and street musicians mixed, destroyed and created this unusual group of musicians re-Jacques Martin (Martyn Jacques - Accordion, Vocals)., Adrian Stout (Adrian Stout - double bass) and Adrian Hughes (Adrian Huge - Drums, . percussion) And then the musicians are just three: Jacques Martin (Martyn Jacques - accordion, vocals), Adrian Stout (Adrian Stout - double bass) and Adrian Hughes (Adrian Huge - drums, percussion) In contrast to the performances on stage. , the studio musicians use a variety of instruments: acoustic guitars, horns, keyboards, violin sounds, unlubricated doors and two-handled saw, bicycle horn signals and fun giggle bag with a laugh Three people with acoustic instruments to create a unique eclectic and eccentric music. extraordinary melody, beauty and emotional power. lyrics The Tiger Lillies openly provocative. your dirty blues shocked his openness and blasphemous lyrics. sing about prostitutes and pimps, the frail elderly and people with disabilities, drag queens and freaks, drug addicts, homeless and losers . sing about sex with flies and sheep, the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and how easy to kill and makes fun. However, the "lily" is as a true post-modern group, all of this is with a great sense of humor. About scary, uncomfortable and just "politically incorrect" things Martin sings very high, beautiful voice professional opera singer. Located on the border between humor and bad taste shocking creativity of their blasphemy and "izvraschenchestvo" can not be taken seriously, especially as her shocking song, usually a very cheerful. As for the album, then group was until recently the 18th In April 2007, published 19th Album - Urine Palace, taken with the Swedish Symphonic Orchestra. At a concert in "B1 Maximum" songs from the new album can be heard, as well as shake the bones to their favorite hits of yesterday This is the first concert after an unusually long break -. The group did not speak much in Moscow since 2005 . Concerts "lily", or rather, the show -. it's always a fun surprise presentation The stage runs clockwork sheep Bass pulls his pants and danced in his underwear wearing the drummer drums giant plastic hammer-accordion and Martin rolls his eyes , sing, shout, laugh, Hamming and grimaces In fact, The Tiger Lillies -. yes, a theater group The most famous theater group project -.. a game-musical Shockheaded Peter Modernized staged bloody stories, written 150 years ago, a child psychiatrist Heinrich Hoffmann - a fascinating blend of Victorian melodrama, puppetry, theater masks and gothic horror stories, the worldwide recognition. Have The Tiger Lillies and circus project - The Tiger Lillies Circus ("Circus brindle Lilies") - a large-scale show with clowns, strong men, jugglers, acrobats and freaks The Tiger Lillies, long time been among the favorites in London's bohemian quarter. Legend of World Heritage underground publish rotate their CDs on their own label Misery Guts Music. The group writes admiringly in the world press, and the amount of fans deposited film and only theater, the former textile factory, classical concert halls, large churches and other places where they are talking about. 15 June "B1 Maximum", 21.00.
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