Thursday, May 2, 2013

The first picnic "Nashe Radio" will be held at Tushino with «Salvador»

First June program "Air Andrei Klyukina" comes to the stage big solo concert «Salvador» connects the drive hot Latin rock and alternative music. The powerful energy infected soloist with the first song and does not let go until the end. Anthemic songs «Salvador» 'a - what you need on a hot summer, do not melt from the heat and feel on the beach somewhere in Mexico. «Salvador» open AERODROM Group "Salvador" was the winner of the Russian stage of the international rock festival "gbob-2004" and ranked 5th in the World Finals in London AERODROM -. The concert will be held at the new location in Tushino. Where normally a celebration of "Wings." Now viewers can not only visit to a concert of Latin-rock band, but in the air a live edition of the program our radio as "air". AERODROM June 1, 19.00.

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