Has an unexpected scandal continued between Ilya Reznik and singer love Assumption because of the famous song "convertible". Singer an open letter. Previously, Ilya Reznik Ascension not pay him a copyright for the song "cabriolet" and prohibited from 1 March accused to execute it at public events with access to the airwaves. . "For many years, she went to concerts across the country and earned his millions through my songs" Convertible sounded "from anywhere - in a media interview, a famous poet -. Demand for nature reserves, was high in the sky I. was not one of her flower or a greeting you thanked once. purchased $ 50, my son has a tricycle I was silent, but the last straw, the call of the music companies that have decided to take a slice of the Assumption was free has... I was asked the rights to each song sold on the $ 150. course I did not agree to give permission for a penny on the edition of the album, and hung up. "in estimates Reznik, the song, the fame Ascension Russia is brought is sung at every concert. In 2010, the year the singer had 28 official shows for everyone who has received not less than 20 thousand dollars. Reznik for "Convertible" comes to 400-500 rubles from each concert. Overall, for every 10 months amounted to 19 thousand rubles, less income tax of 13 percent and minus 30 percent, which is taken from the RAO. The result is 11,000 rubles ... Answer the charges Reznik, singer written an open letter on his website lubauspenskaya.com. It provides, inter alia, that: "The song" cabriolet "and other poems by Resnick was taken by myself in Los Angeles at a time when Ilya Rahmielevich was looking for work lyrics bought him a composer Gary Gold. . wanted at the time to write music for poems of a great poet Reznik payment of a large sum, saw Gary that got excited - there was no one to sing songs, but Ilya Rahmielevich in continuation of this interesting positive from a material point of view, union ., he promised that he would find a suitable singer, since the choice of song was immigrants small, he gave the songs a lot, for example -. the famous impresario Victor Shulman, who had the good sense to abandon this dubious venture, the last. In the list of suspects was me, and Resnick persuaded me to sing these songs I'll be honest -. spellbound at the time the authority and popularity of Ilya Rahmielevicha, give I could not, a well-known songwriter, my tool released a to promise my repertoire and gave his word that he no material claims the end I had three songs - "Convertible", "Banquet" and "Guest Night" At the same time I was in front of a trip to Russia and.. the people who were involved in the promotion, was asked to send some fresh song that can be taken from a good clip. These three songs that I wrote. They chose "Convertible." Thus began the story that led me Today, in a nightmare. I'll add that after a few months we have Resnick and gold album "Express in Monte Carlo", arranging recorded all details of the transaction - Gary invested in texts Reznik, I pay the studio and Resnick wrote poetry. Royalties from the album's release, it was decided to divide in half. But after a while trying to smuggle Ilya Rahmielevich our records in Russia and sold illegally, without the knowledge of us Garik. A little later, there were a number of additional incidents, after which I do not trust this man and rightly so. After a while, when the songs become hits are remembered Resnick copyrights, forgot the terms of our agreement, calling for a substantial fee. But today I found out that in such a situation was not just me. Ilya Rahmielevich the same entitlement to many other well known artists, the carelessness they associate with his creative destiny had. Given my sensitivity and a certain lack of restraint in words, the scandal has closed on me. I believe that if anyone can forbid me to have this song - it's Gary Gold, who bought Reznik copyrights, and, by his own fault was at a loss situation. However, no complaints have been reported by Garik, but Ilya Rahmielevich unhappy, quarrelsome character of which has fallen by nearly all his actors. I hate that my name was involved in all these processes. Please note that this is the only scandal broke to my name for a long time in my career lies. I officially to waste management and live shows bring together two poems by Elias Rahmielevicha - "Convertible" and "Grandma", as my permanent concertmaster raportichkah in special reports. No tracks Ilya Reznik my repertoire is not missing. But Ilya Rahmielevich not understand what he just fights with windmills, be naive to think that he will be able to stop the process started many years ago. He can not afford to clean up the Internet, which is filled with songs in my power to remove hard drives from every house where my songs sound. People will "Convertible" is still be heard, even if I do not carry on their live shows. My dear fans, I urge you not to believe what about me in the papers, I do not give interviews, write, do not believe that. Some of the TV programs that talk about me, without me I have some reasons to believe that all of these events in the media - a carefully planned, directed me towards measures poet Ilya Reznik in order to discredit me in the eyes of the fans of my talent. Accurate information, you can always see on this page, where in a few months I plan to start a real, live chat with you. Always with you, dear, "Assumption
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