In early August Pipe Band again in Moscow at the International Festival of bagpipes perform "Piping Live" in Glasgow. Most Scottish bagpipe bagpipes or Great Mountain - Great Highland Bagpipe - the most famous and popular in the world of bagpipes. The word "bagpipe" issue, many closely associated with the image of a Scotsman, dressed in a checkered cloth, holding a musical instrument are connected, very loud and captivating sound. Many believe that the bagpipes - Scottish instrument and is primarily a Scottish invention. In fact, were the bagpipes, as well as many other musical instruments, to Europe from the East. Another version says that the bagpipes in Scotland, was introduced by the Romans. The sound of bagpipes intimidates opponents and raised steadfastness Highlanders. It is not surprising that for a long time was the British Empire banned bagpipes. Subsequently, it was the British formed regiments of Scottish Highlanders who have traveled halfway around the world with bagpipes, participating in the campaigns of colonial England. So Scottish bagpipes into a major international instruments, the fashion for this tool in the past few years is extensive. Pipe Band of Moscow (Moscow & District Pipe Band) - the first professional orchestra of Scottish bagpipes and drums in Russia, which took over the mission to spread the Scottish music which keeps the weight of a real understanding of the ancient culture of this country. Pipe Band in Moscow in early July, the orchestra was invited to perform at the solemn celebration of the birth of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, and was delighted to congratulate the residents and guests of Astana on Republic Day. The highlight of the trip was a 30-minute music set, combined Russian and Scottish folk melodies. Instead of the planned two concerts in Moscow Pipe Band took on two major areas of the Kazakh capital, gathering in their speeches a large audience. In early August, the staff will again visit the International Bagpipe Festival "Piping Live". Every August Pipe Band Moscow sent in Glasgow, where the festival takes place. On this holiday come dozens of bands from different countries. The most important concerts at the National Center of bagpipes (National Piping Centre) and the George Square in the city center instead. Participate addition to performances by musicians and colorful processions, tours and lectures on the history of the bagpipes and learn more about the traditions of other nations. "This is a unique festival - Say" show business news 'Head' Pipe Band of Moscow "Artem Vorobiev -. Come from all over the world to the people who love and know the Scottish National Instrument almost all the. is where each of us something new to discover in this musical direction. After this communication repertoire of every enriched collective and become even bigger. We hope that Russia represented at the festival, especially since so far only in our team ready, musical numbers, where Russian folk songs with traditional Scottish melodies intertwined, once again demonstrating the immensity of a musical space. "
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