In early October, the band began Pipe Band from Moscow to record the soundtrack for the new Hollywood movie called "Robert the Bruce -. King of Scotland" The history of the most famous king of Scotland, at the Battle of Bannockburn in 1314, added the British as a crushing defeat, the freedom for centuries ensured the country. Director of the film is in popularity since the release of the series has grown "The Tudors' Ciaran Donnelly. "From an agent director Ciaran Donnelly, said the head of the" Pipe Band Moscow "Artem Vorobiev we met at the Moscow Film Festival. Gabriel Neal saw our performance at the closing ceremony of a film festival in Moscow. He invited us to a meeting about the future plans discussed and offered to try to make a demo record for future director. A week later we got the score and recorded sending to Mr. Donnelly. early September, and received approval from the composer and producer of the film. Filming is expected in Spring 2012 start "
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