Friday, February 1, 2013

Ilya Reznik install pacemaker

By Andrei Malakhov "Let Them Talk", where Ilya Renik accused indiscriminately of what he stole from his ex-wife, the poet Munir was hospitalized. Followed immediately have information on heart attack, then a partial paralysis and even loss of language. - Do not wait - shows the poet Fig wishers. - It was only a hypertensive crisis. Ilya Rahmielevich already left the hospital room, and he began to go even, but fun all the same health goes. So the ears hold stiff but not hide the fact that. The cause of hospitalization in the transmission of Channel One, which he took to heart - "Let Them Talk" - a bad transmission and Andrei Malakhov, except the murderer, I can not name - begins to get excited Resnick. - These TV people had driven a hand in the death Porohovschikova, Maxim Dunayevsky attack. Skunks. Most Ilya Reznik clueless about who was in Russia pritaskivat his ex-wife and get her on the mythical poverty lie. Is it in the interest of TV ratings? It is already in court, which they recognized as valid divorce, he gave a report on bank transfers Munir nearly $ 1 million. - So my ex-wife who never worked a minute seemed on the transfer of a Hollywood smile. Who, if 15 years ago came from the U.S. with the same, say that the teeth are worth 90 thousand dollars. As I see it, the unemployed steal, could? It has two "Lexus" and I have "Nissan" a! When passing Munir was asked what she was doing, if I do not Preece money. Replied: "I have removed from the map." So I filled up the card and - Ilya Rahmielevich laugh. - Then, when you look at the air, you'll find that Munir had been listening "ear." Who she dictated all of this is the rating, perhaps L. Constantine himself? Resnick is now preparing for heart surgery. Another study called on him, turned a pacemaker, wrote "EC". - Today I met with Joseph Kobzon, it's the same, learned that there's what. Joseph immediately sent me to your heart surgeon. He says all cases for 20 minutes, but I'm afraid something - sigh poet.

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