Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Stereoleto Festival 2008 gathers talented indie

20th June at the Center for Contemporary Art "Winery" International Music Festival takes STEREOLETO 2008th Moscow is the most important, talented and fashion group today was: Torpedo Boyz, The Do, The Go! Team. In view of the importance of the musical life of the country can STEREOLETO Festival with European festivals such as Le Printemps de Bourges in France, Electricpicnic UK, Oya Festival in Norway and Sonar in Spain are compared. Every year the most interesting musicians in the world, at the peak of creativity lies, and in the bloom will STEREOLETO, to bring joy to thousands of fans of good music. Recognized worldwide foreign artists share the stage with the young, but not less important Russian artists whose performance at the festival -. A pass on the big stage Music that sounds to STEREOLETO reflects, not the opinion of the majority or the minority, it is not created and played for the box office, an interesting music, the music is great to commercial value and the quality of the music, it can also be successful, but this is an art, the universal language of the soul, which is capable of human thoughts and feelings is. This means that the music - the real. STEREOLETO - is not only music, but also the unique atmosphere of a friendly summer party, where everyone can find something to your liking: field meetings with designer shops, cafes, interactive games, kinozona show short films, lounge area - all this and much more integral part of the festival. This year, the venue for the festival was chosen Moscow Contemporary Art Center winery. And a half years of its existence, the most popular type center of the capital. Here you can see and touch the very topical in today's culture. After all, the art of the estate is a lifestyle. And art in the broadest sense: painting, sculpture, design, fashion, architecture, film and of course the music. Therefore STEREOLETO fits the program winery. The participants of the festival STEREOLETO 2008 TORPEDO BOYZ (Germany), the citizens of the world, fans of traditional Japanese sumo - DJ Kentastic and Rollin Hand, then has lived in Tokyo, Berlin has not taken a fall in Paris, and not realize that they are not only love graceful Japanese sport but a passion for funky rhythms! It was immediately clear that the boys no time on pointless unconscious musical nonsense and start with, left the rest of the producers! The Torpedo Boys have fat rhythms, melodies and unpredictable prifankovanye bass lines and the adopted. In an unequal battle for real music www.myspace.com / torpedoboyz MR.SCRUFF (UK) Mr. Scruff -. DJ, producer, animator and an incredibly talented man MR. Scruff succeed in their work styles such as soul, funk, hip hop, jazz, reggae, Latin, African, Ska, Disco, House, Funk, Breaks, Soundtracks and combine more. The only criterion that leads MR.Scruff - each song must be the soul. Every musical style is unique mood and energy to choose the right orchestration, you can create an atmosphere where every track sounds especially relevant and timely at this moment. Since 1998, MR. Scruff began to publish their albums on one of the most famous labels of modern experimental electronics - Ninja Tune, with whom she co-operated successfully to this day. www.myspace.com / mrscruffofficial THE DO (Finland / France), the Paris-Helsinki pop duo The Do Dan Levy and Olivia B. Merilahti come up with an effective way to extract from the universal yearning indie rock melodic life-giving substance. A sip - one of the best records that appeared in nature in the past five years. The do know exactly how to interpret the dark and sullen rock, say, in the style of Polly Jane Harvey, so the heart has become easy. Almost weightless order of the songs on my shoulders and Tammie leave aftertaste almost prayers. With respect to the acoustic guitar and keyboards that you know when to connect the electricity guitar (At Last), enter the string (Song For Lovers), and finally solid blow into the tube and read rap. (Boris Barabanov, Kommersant). www.myspace.com / thedoband THE GO! TEAM (UK) Brighton band from the United Kingdom, consisting of 6 persons (with two drummers) whose songs - a mix of energetic theme, cheerleader chants, noise-pop guitars and early hip-hop, with a touch of funk the 70s. They have focused on live instrumentation than some of their contemporaries, they were actually using it. Many of his songs on the samples from different sources www.myspace.com / thegoteam

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