On 31 October the grounds of the Moscow theater parody Alexander Peskov and his money was confiscated. Reason for the failure of Mr Peskov the Treaty, but the unilateral cancellation of the concert tour to Israel in September, the Israeli production company "residual International" was. A bailiff escorted by the police came to the concert hall in the city of Petah Tikva, and read Peskov and director of collective decision Razzhigaeva World Court of Tel Aviv. Then all the outfits and accessories of the theater will be collected, described, loaded onto a truck and, accompanied by the police, sent to the warehouse for storage of a bailiff. Tour, in fact. Not take place in September and October 2006., But host the first contract was contrary to the company "Art Star," which exists in the Israeli market since 2000 The first four years was "kind of Bridge", and in that time, much has changed hands. There is only one constant - its director, Alexander Pogorelis in some circles, whose show business known. Despite holding a production company for 6 years, Pogorelis seat combines work and at the same time constantly changing owners of "Art Bridge" and "Art Star". People who had opened a company in general, have the faintest idea of the company to which they had promised so subscribed Pogorelis "gold mountain." He was to them an expert and specialist in the entertainment industry. It happened this time in the case of Alexander Peskov tour. To the work of "Art Star" continues to be a new man was involved, and he Pogorelis everything possible to persuade Alexander Peskov made to go to Israel in September 2006. According sold a contract with "residual Internashional" display, appeared in Israel and signed tickets, and in October of the same year. With "Art Star", that is with him Financial and other terms proposed Pogorelisom were profitable, assess Sands and his director kindle the situation to squeeze the most of it, and then declare a unilateral breach of contract, despite the fact that the provision of that contract has been taken as an advance, and parties under the contract "released from liability only in cases of force majeure, as recognized by international law" (the text of the contract). Messrs. A. and R. Sands Kindles were forced to extend their visit to Israel to attend the hearing and the decision of the International Court of Tel-Aviv, freed his luggage, under a large cash deposit. They would fly to Israel many times. Accounts and assets of the "Art Star" and personally held Mr. Pogorelisa temporarily until a final decision. To fly it is not necessary, but have to change a hobby - it is now an honorary member of a student in the halls of the negotiation. As the director of boti.ru "residual Intetnational" Leonid Landsman, "It is not financial in nature - we are not fighting for their honor its obligations and lead partner, especially with the popularity and well-known names.". Pogorelis refused to answer questions.
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