Saturday, January 26, 2013

Rybnikov staged on "War and Peace"

New opera "1812" based on the novel by Leo Tolstoy's "War and Peace" by composer Alexei Rybnikov, who is also the author of the libretto, to be staged in Moscow in 2012 in honor of the 200th Anniversary of the War of 1812. As I said in an interview with RIA Novosti Rybnikov, "the opera is not only for" War and Peace "by Tolstoy, but also from the numerous historical chronicles and the mass of documentary material." "But everything is written to the text of Tolstoy's libretto and music - ... I am, and no other words can be written this opera as a musical drama, because it will play a large symphony orchestra, and opera singers and singing actors will introduce all range of genres are - can not rock opera to be called in all cases, although some points and will be solved by means of rock music ", - said the composer. He also noticed that he was trying to compete in this event, with the composer Sergei Prokofiev wrote Peru belongs to the famous opera "War and Peace" in 1944. "The genre is not cutting on Prokofiev, because everything is a little different than the classic opera" - said Rybnikov. The composer said that "Opera today fully prepared and ready to start on the progress of the work." "Of course it will require serious resources, it staged a large project -. We expect a very high cost Now we are waiting at the top of the support, we will say so," - he said. Commenting on some media reports that the former governor of Kaliningrad region Georgy Boos perform in a new production batch Napoleon Rybnikov reminded premature final decisions. "So far not even artists included - will be very powerful casting. Yes, we met with Georgy this summer in Kaliningrad if the opera was not done. It seemed to me that it looks very similar to Napoleon, and when Geordie sing, I think he can sing this role. But he did not listen to the music and try not to sing because we are waiting to start the project, and we seriously talk about it, "- said Rybnikov plans composer." An opera next year because I want to make it to 200 anniversary in 1812. "" Because, "Moscow, scorched by the fire," the go, brought an opera on one of the larger sites in the capital, and is considered the Kremlin Palace. But to achieve this, we need to literally build a rehearsal room. Put can - give us two weeks on the site but to create a couple of months before the samples have such a room. "-. Said he Rybnikova in grandiose plans include the use of technological innovations" Setting plan to do with holographic projections in the theater will be used for the first time. That is, the landscape, and all that, but some of the scenes will be solved in this way - especially the fight scenes. God forbid, it happens and we have enough time ", - concluded the composer.

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