Working on a new music video Naik Borzov the song "Fresh Blood" is almost finished. Had to heroic efforts could not see the audience, and appreciate the history. The fact that the director away clip on holiday in Cuba, he took a video with him and thought that on a warm sunny environment and a much more pleasant, with which, of course, it's hard not to agree. All the days of great weather in the summer. In the mood, which in turn contributed to the work on the video But his fate was not easy .. Nike Borzov driving on a yacht in the last day of his stay in Cuba, the only director with Nike on Skype together the latest news ... at this point boats approaching the shore, began to make a turn. Of fairly sharp skid laptop with a welcome video "left" in the sea along with Nike in the online mode. Without hesitating a moment, became afraid director to follow him to the water. Technique to get the fallen was not immediately because they had repeated the "dive". Before returning to Moscow, refused to turn on the laptop yet. Fought almost 3 weeks for his fate and the fate of the unborn clip better technician. Having done the hard work, yet skilled hands reanimated footage and very soon the work will be completed in it. Video output is scheduled for late May. The sea, none of Nike team up more is not, so that the clip should go on time.
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