Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Larisa Dolina will become a grandmother

The surprise announcement at a concert Larisa Dolina "Adults and Children" was dedicated to the International Children's Day. She appeared on stage with the young artists, and it seems moved by the sight of children, said: "Soon I'll be a grandmother to be" actress, who sang a children's song: "Chunga-Changa" greeted in the hall of parents and grandparents, who she said, "to join in September." Larisa Dolina - Get the best vacation, I congratulate all of us And grandmothers, who are present in the room, which I used in this September! - Said the singer after the execution of her room. Interestingly, recent concerns of valley that her daughter Lina from his marriage to Anatoly Mionchinskim alone. The singer announced even funny "competition" for the vacant seat of her fiance says "EH". Who was the preferred choice of Angelina - is unknown, it is unclear whether they marry the father of her child. In any case, Larisa Dolina looks very happy and can not wait for the moment when she could ponyanchila grandchildren.

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