Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Fedorov and Volkov will present a new album for the new year

Leader "Auktsion" Leonid Fedorov and director of "Volkovtrio" Vladimir Volkov working on another collaborative album. They called him the "sheaf of Dreams" and wrote all the songs in it in poetry and poets Alexei Khvostenko Henri Volokhonsky. Musicians are not the first time the association with the Russian poetry of the 20th Century - a little more than a year ago, she recorded a CD "Bezonders" in verses oberiutov Alexander Vvedensky. With their current sponsors musicians not the first time: 1995, "Auktsion" with themselves Khvostenko an album of his songs, "Wine Maker" and Volokhonsky Henry took in creating albums of solo albums Fedorov "Joyce", "Anabena" , "melted." "Mountains and the River" and "sheaf of Dreams" But in this case it is a virtually unknown texts of these poets. "A text is known, however, and very much so," - says Leonid Fedorov. This poem "Paradise" by the poet co-written and became the basis of the song "City of Gold", which became famous in the performance "Aquarium". On the disc Khvostenko it sings - with a sample of his voice, the musicians have composed for him a very unusual arrangement. Total plate consists of 10 tracks, including at least four - "English", "French", "Portuguese", "African-American" - are (in terms of music, but not the text) copyright stylization to the people of a music of peace. Among other Fedorov contact Volkov music the poem "Galileo" by Henri Volokhonsky written by Leonid, on active duty while serving in the Israeli army. CD "sheaf of Dreams" is on 27 December presented in the hall of the Central House of Artists. The concert begins at 19:00 clock.

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