Tuesday, January 1, 2013

"Acapella Express" made by Prime «Hit Of Hits»

With great surprise, I saw the great singer Tatyana Barnyshevu. Think of the red endowed with "five stars"? Yes, she is now, without additional ad sings in 'Acapella Express ". So without the ads on the official website hanging photo and biography of a former member of the group, and also in the press releases of the last concert will never Tatiana Barnysheva mentioned. Not only as an internal intrigues within the group "Acapella Express" ... A common Tatiana (say, almost two years ago!) To very impressive, the party of the upper soprano - the lowest in the eyes of the audience. Sings Barnysheva sexually explosive, artistic, and in general is up Artistry from the rest of a contiguous allocated, but not immaculate charisma (unfortunately) the staff is excellent. Female half Acapella Express: Kate Nadareishvili (soprano), Eter Beriashvili (viola), Tatiana Barnysheva (soprano) and the chapel already pulling 02:00 solo - it's aerobatics for each artist. Of course we have zateynichat - play with the audience, rehearsing a tease, do beatboxing and vocal balancing act for beatbox. But it is worth it. It turns out the show in the same breath, a real Vegas-standard. It turns out the show in the same breath, a real Vegas-Standard, there are problems without them. Many songs are sung songs not to make sense, but only to show how well the voices of professional singers. Therefore, it is clear that none of them is a solo star has not (with the exception of the same Barnyshevoy a convert), and sextet - a big market for great singers together glorified. And it did. Show "Acapella Express" - high-class entertainment show, what little we have. And as a group and have rarely missed kapellnye this level. Pure entertainment, as it is. Show "Acapella Express" - high-class entertainment show, what little we Vadim Ponomarev, "News Showbiz NEWSmusic.ru» Photo - Svetlana start Maltsev, Photo Stars Prev 1 2 Final

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