Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Scandalous preselection one for the Russian "Euro Vision 2008"

So, the 25 finalists in the Russian national selection contest "Euro Vision 2008" announced. Surprises, the more fun - no. Crucible of the past is not a choice, as we predicted, the group "A-Studio". Connected and usually very few names of relatively independent or non-friendly structure with the TV channel Russia - not "Mill", not "Leon", no Pauline Smolova. The former lead singer of the popular 80 "Araks" Anatoly Aleshin participants based "cruise" group "Montecristo" rocker Natalia Terekhova and singer Nora Adam - these people are obviously in response to the gala concert for Rock. Generally, my first surprise. And only if it is clear under the influence, constitute the list. No artist "Real Records", there is no 'Navigator Records. " But there are artists FBI music ("assorted", "Prime Minister"., Alexander Panayotov) There are friends channel Russia - Alexey Vorobyov, Eugene rants It Gorbushina Elena (Formerly Mountain, a member of. "Secret of Success") it. are unnecessary channel factory Rasskazova Eugene and Julia Mihalchik Finally, artists Yana Rudkovskaya -.. respond flies absolute favorite choices for Dima and recently London to record the album singer Sabrina fun for the audience Jam sheriff & Pierre Narcisse And Friends. Earrings Max Lawrence and Satsura presented to the public the second channel of the main song of the hip-hop entertainer Russia - the singer Sergey This is the full list. Finalists a Russian selection for the Competition "Euro Vision 2008" March 9, 2008 . Andrey Makarenko (Nizhny Novgorod) 2 Nora Adam (Moscow) 3 Natalia Terekhova (Moscow) 4 Natalia Astafieva (Chelyabinsk) 5 Anna Mushak (Petersburg) 6 Group "Mixed" (Moscow) 7 Alexander Panayotov (Ukraine) 8 Group "Prime Minister" (Moscow, Ukraine, Mongolia) 9 Pierre Narcisse and Jam sheriff (Cameroon, Nigeria) 10 Alexey Vorobyov (Tula) 11 Gene Rasskazova (Moscow) 12 Julia Mihalchik (Moscow) 13 Aza Bataeva (Grozny) 14 Anatoly Aleshin (Moscow) 15 Elena Gorbushina (Mountain) (Moscow) 16 Eugene Pleasing (Moscow) 17 Tamil Grishchenko (Odintsovo) 18 Roman Bezhin (Moscow) 19 Alsou Zaynutdinova (Kazan) 20 Dima Bilan (Moscow) 21 Max Lorenz and Satsura (Belarus) 22 Group of "Monte Cristo" (Moscow) 23 Sabrina (Moscow) 24 Group "VC" (Pyatigorsk) 25 Olga Varvus (Tiraspol) to make the choice, the team Gennady Gokhshtein unlikely to give the audience an interesting spectacle. We can only regret that the top managers of the TV channel "Russia", which is the only manager, the channel is not eight years ago, along with the entire leadership is after coming Dobrodeeva left - decided almost on his own, who in choosing . participate I think if a tender was entrusted Sergei Arkhipov, who came to the RTR of the "Russian Media Group" - we would have waited a really fascinating spectacle. Dima Bilan, an apparent favorite of the selection, it will be very difficult to perform in the finals as well as the year before. Especially if you go to the German super-popular in Europe, the band Cinema Bizarre with the song "Forever Or Never" and from Ireland - a plastic turkey "Dustin." Elena Lebedeva,

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