After appearing in broadcast debut of "Pelagia" - "Nyurkinoy Song" - students "Nashe Radio" with interest began to hear the performers. And for the second song on the radio it looked forward. Hence the song "Cossack" sounded like the invasion of 2006, appreciated the students had time. Two weeks Pelagia with "Cossack" climbed to seventh place charts "Chart Dozen." Performer even heard the song for the first time in seven years - from the Transbaikal Cossacks during their tour of the country. Two years later, adding text to Dmitry Revyakina, the young actress made the first recording of the song, arranged by keyboardist "Kalinov Bridge" Alexander Vladykina. The invasion of the summer, the band "Cossacks" in the new arrangement, it is presented in this version of the Air "Nashe Radio". According to the reports of the collective of musicians that they still do not understand why the song is not as popular as the "Black Crow" and "steppe circle" because she has catchy melody and simple poetic text. The concert is "Pelagia" song "Cossack" performed in concert with all the spectators. Incidentally, in November, the Moscow fans waiting two solo performances.
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