The winner of the prestigious title of "princess Russian Folk" and the voices of three and a half octave singer Pelagia for several consecutive years, announces the date of his first solo album in the new year on the 7th January. Before "Christmas Concert 2009" hit correspondent "leisure" with the singer and asked her about the art-folk, new album, fans, snowboarding, scientific work, and hair color. - Pelagia, I see you changed the picture - from brunette to blonde turned back on ... - In women, it often - changes in appearance are an incentive for new behavior. And I was no exception. I pobyla brunette realize that I was an absolute blonde in the shower. Me in this way more comfortable, even fun - a lot can be tricky prodelyvat and explain that, well, I'm blonde, so I can be forgiven. And awarded in fact (laughs). Some time ago, I wanted to gain a sense of independence, the solid ground under my feet - I think this may improve the picture with dark hair ... but then I realized that it is better to see in itself, and have the appearance of a naive, kind free of cynicism. - I pobyla brunette realize that I was an absolute blonde in the shower. - When we meet on the eve of the New Year, I would like to know what are your plans for it? - New Year, I always meet with the family - for me it is a family holiday. My grandmother we shape dumplings, and before all the bells together write wishes on pieces of paper, they will be burned and the ashes sypem in champagne and drinks -. Make it all real, true in any event And two in the morning, I usually leave as a friend ... I do not like large crowds of people - I've had enough of their profession, so prefer to spend the holiday in a family atmosphere, with a relatively small circle of people who I know and who does not take away my power, only multiply. And on Christmas Day we will be holding on the scene: Christmas concerts - is a tradition for our group, we have come up with a few years ago, and they are in a family get warm. - Probably, and fans have gathered, we started ... prepared - Oh, thank God, not given stuffed animals, because it is unclear where they were asked. Like if I flowers, give mainly white. Very nice and touching - Longtime my fans often presents unusual bouquets or baskets. For me it is an absolute pleasure. So, my dear, give flowers! (Laughs). - The past year 2008 for a group of "Pelagia" turned out to be quite rich: They have introduced two new programs - "Siberian Drive" and "loud concert with a cello" - performed at the "Invasion" Online World Music in Novosibirsk , the "Olympics" in Beijing ... Pride overwhelmed? - I am very critical of myself and all of everything with me. Of course, I am satisfied by the proposals that came to us this year. However, says I understand that to make more and better. You can not say that we worked hard and we can afford a vacation. In fact, right after the holidays, we get into the studio to record a new album. Part - and this is a first for us - it will consist of the author's compositions. Absolutely and folk songs - as always in our arrangements. How the finished work on the album - I hope it will happen in the first half of 2009, we are going to support us on a tour. And then I want to make a program of romances. To do so, and a PhD in psychology ... So I have plans for next year, Napoleon! - And then suddenly drawn to science? - I graduated GITIS in 19 years, the brain was ready to accept new information and new insights. I decided, since I have absolutely refused to understand mathematics (laughs), take your pick on the rest of the topics that interested me the most -. On psychology The psychology of the artist and the methods of their effect on the audience - I am attracted to me about his issue relating to art and creativity. So I gave the soiskatelstvo the Moscow Psychological and Pedagogical Institutes. - In such a hectic schedule, you have free time, and instead of trying to fill it? - Finally, I have a hobby! Month - and a half ago I was on a snowboard, and absolutely loved this activity: the incredible adrenaline that I had in my life was not yet! On stage, except ... - I would like to mention one more success: A popular men's magazine, they contain in their Top 100 Sexiest Women of 2008 ... - Yes, I took it the 85th Place of honor - Fifteen people (laughs left) behind! This is a very amusing story - I laughed all day, when I first wrote about it. Even at first did not believe it - I say it can not be! Then I brought the magazine, I saw your picture ... In fact, I am grateful for those people who voted for me, it turns out, on the grounds of a whole year passed a vote. And to find that I, as a girl, of course, comfortable. Such an unexpected gift of new year (laughs). - In an interview with this magazine, that have taken place - no more and no less - 5 years ago, you're a 17 year old girl you then say in all seriousness that your goal - ". Rehabilitate folk music in the eyes of his generation", by You think you could do it this far? - In any case, we will charge full houses across the country. Obviously this is not the stadium, but thousands halls - stable. This suggests that young people are interested in the idea of the authentic and popular folk songs, performed in the original schemes are - sometimes in the most unexpected. It's such an eclectic compilation of different cultures and styles - a genre that-we call folk art. As my colleagues. - How many of our colleagues is the benchmark of the genre for you? - Angela Manukyan Group "Volga" make very interesting music - well played and sung. When Inna A welcome surprise - covers always looking for something new and different styles of music presented. Well all, perhaps ... - And have you ever wondered creativity of the "mill"? - No. When I hear music, it is broken down into many components - how it is played, sung ... If you see any errors, I was immediately interested. And anyway, I do not like "prokeltskuyu" music, it is not my own, and even more so to call it a Russian folk-rock, I do not dare. But as they say, nothing personal ... - What recently heard the biggest impression on you? - In the past six months, the entire group has discovered Nirvana, and still can not come to their senses - so it is powerful! Also studied full discography of The Beatles. You can say that I "covers" of classic rock: Led Zeppelin and Deep Purple on stage! - What would wish for the new year? - In order to meet her prince at last! After he goes, probably somewhere!. Wish for, friendly, considerate, less lazy and a little more work for me (laughs).
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