Tuesday, December 25, 2012

"Volga" - "pray"

Etnoelektronnomu project "Volga" was the first to cross the authentic Russian folk music with the current electronic music. It happened 10 years ago. Since then, the singer and entrepreneur Angela Manukyan hosts the renowned folk singer of the country, together with Inna wanted Rada Anchevskoy, Pelagia and Helavisa. The other members of the group do not need to submit another beginning - electronics Alexei Borisov, the guitarist and inventor Roman Lebedev Yuri Balashov exotic instruments are well known in their circles. "Volga" - "Pray" Format: CD. Genre: World Music style: Hip-electronic, drum and bass, trip-hop, dub, house, Russian folk song, Balkan folk. Subject: defamation, stories, parables. Mood: lyrical, memories, passion, indifference, envy. Hits: None. Album "Pray" - a great gift of his 10th Birthday. It is worth noting that he first came to England on the label Lumberton Trading Company, and only six months later, it was a luxurious Russian edition of the label kultregera Nazim Nadirov. Such is the fate of the Russian electronic underground. And a concert at the "Volga" is increasingly in Europe. In Russia, this music had to content with tiny club, and hope to change the situation so far no no. Meanwhile, the dance rhythms of trip-hop, house and dub has, together with finely nuanced singing Angela Manukyan closer in strength to the samples of pure art. To "pray", for example, the title track to revolutionize the way many of the "boring folk." Another question that the dance does not Borisov as a cult, and. The topic to think about what frighten many dark atonal sounds and overloaded guitars "Volga" a lot of potential students The most successful tracks already on the album in a row, in the "Volga" - those in which the crystal voice Manukyan carefully wrapped in a soft noise, jingle bells, monotonous electronic bits. These are the "Zhnyatsy", "pray", "goat", "Detinushka" fashion and "shirt" (with an unexpected taste of Balkan folk music.) Due to the rapid development of electronic music seems a bit dated now many samples hunt Musicians do not want obviously, it is the sensitive electronics spots appear in the future. Rating: 7 out of 10. Vadim Ponomarev, a business newspaper "The View"

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