Actually, it would be strange "album remix of Volga" write. Volga project itself is a totally ethno-electronic creation from the beginning. When electronics "remixes" to make electronic music - it's ridiculous. But not in the case of the "Volga". You hear the fifth album project Volga and catch yourself thinking that no one song that you do not learn from the beginning. There are also regulations, as the first notes of the same object remiksovaniya know - this is not the case. Until there is a divine voice Angela Manukyan only guess what kind of song the Volga to remix outstanding electronicians from different countries. Probably choose the right company. Except for the version of Alexei Borisov, whose vision of "roasted" by become unclaimed sound panels reflect the preferences of the other tracks authors expressed tender in terms of the songs Manukyan. Same "Vereyushki" appeared on the album so much in three different versions - of God fans, XMZ (aka malaria) and motor. And to introduce an entirely different ways. God fans wrapped misty zapevaniya Angela in wet sticky clothes, turned XMZ it in a notorious fighter from The Prodigy and motor does oriented in the Euro-disco. Since interesting timbres not sound library full-time there was a lot almost every remixer, it would be interesting to compare the degree of integrity of artistic expression. After all, how beautiful it is written in the liner notes: "This electronic rituals of ancient Russia. Sublunary waves under piles of dark, freezing of magnetic fields charm magic numbers Veles. The endless errors, on the beds of dried-neurons - sluggish Volga. Here is the new code will be heard. "So what is to hear the new coding? It turns out not to extend very generous magnetic fields on the banks of the Volga. Bring a bucket of fresh water, but do not spill the existing, affected severely condemned. Most remixer turned is another Alexei Borisov in the Volga and generously changed Borisov samples on their own. porridge oil, spoiling of course. But I wanted something new artistic truth, sublunary new waves and new vein, at the end of the ends. From riverbeds to find out some deficit. This CD can be heard quietly traditional fans of "Volga". If they do not read the contents of the brochure or that review, it is unlikely, I also believe that the musicians of the "Volga" is present here only Angela Manukyan. So close the sound of the Volga were remixes. For those who are not familiar with the works of the Volga, the album "Remixed" worth listening to, if only to show where electronic jungle can go traditional Russian song of 12-19 centuries. It is very hard to get work - digital Volga and shimmering ghostly bats Vadim Ponomarev, "Sketis Music", 2006 Music Review News. 8 out of 10 Theme: ethno-electronic Tracklisting: 1 MOX "Weeping" (Moscow... ) 2 TA LAB "snowballs» 3 THEODOR BASTARD "Mermaid" (St. Petersburg) 4 IDIORITMIK "Birnbaum» 5 GOD FANS «Verejushki» 6 COH feat. Nina Livanova "Three fields» 7 IVAN Sokolowski "Dream Songs» 8 ALEXEY BORISOV "Jarilo» 9 XMZ "Verejushki» 10 PINK TWINS "Rose" (Helsinki) 11 D1 "Goat" (Novosibirsk) 12 EDIK "widow" (Moscow) 13 DJ Kolombo "Dream Songs» 14 Chaos as Shelter "Psalom" (Tel Aviv) 15 ENGINE "Verejushki» 16 IDIORITMIK «Po zarechju»
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