Friday, March 29, 2013

Roma Beast: I do not have the Internet!

"We are interested in a city where we act never It's funny to watch the reaction of people on the live sound so -.. Come" - these words of the novel-animal, the leader of the "Beasts "concluded his communication with the audience in Belgorod. "Roman V." - Presenting an idol of many young people and sat in front of the microphone and the sound for communication. But after heated Roma favorite beast tea with milk, the conversation was still warm and lyrical. Roman Bilyk (if anyone knows the name of the group leader) had even asked to talk about love: "I am happy to answer questions like:" What are you doing tonight?. Especially when these questions are asked of the girl. By the way, I'm happy to go for a romantic dinner, breakfast and lunch. By invitation only. "By the way, I'm happy to go for a romantic dinner, breakfast and lunch. Invitation Only! Photo In sessions, the animal is not against good Italian wines, high-quality film (" Always with meaning! ") , billiards, fishing and of course good music rock and American granzhistah, though sometimes in a special holiday mood, loves Roma to Mozart and Strauss to hear -.. then stop at the classic flavors of the genre on the work of colleagues in the workshop. singer and producer of "Beasts" responds as follows: "At least one or two songs every team I like." "Europe Plus" on the work of his guests not to talk about it, and only because he could not know about it say "Our style.. , our music - they tried to critical and everyone, be clever, "- said Roma and once again to the playful mood when used immediately, the fan moves. Two tickets to a concert of the "Beasts" was a fan, call a radio station and was given the gift of communion with the idol. Communicate by the way, Roma live animal pulls: no e-mail and websites, other than the official, he has not. The fact that under his name on the Internet, there are many people who know the animal and does not tire to prevent an army of fans: "In and sank, as I do not When you see the address romazver @ mail . ru fool not to leave, it is not me. "According to Roma, this communication happens at concerts, especially if the performance in every city the first time. However, since the rate of the tour will not get the time and energy to see the town, generally see the sights from the third or fourth attempt. With this statement calmed beast Belgorod Roma fans who wanted to see the "Beast" again. Not their idols Belgorod audience greeted very warmly, writes "We are in your city for the first time, so that we can play different songs" - these words by Roma opened And the first part of the concert sounded most famous songs: "For You", "Little" C "," The Beast. " "Lightning", "Icebreaker Oceans", "Remember Me", "On Love". Stir and "melt" Belgorod public idol could only "drink more." Only after it became clear that the fans a taste, "fanateyuschie" teenager pressed close to the fence around the stage, and lovers of live music for themselves made the dance floor a little further from the stage came. But that's up to the back rows incendiary mood of "the beast", which flowed from the stage almost could not reach. Measured against these bored spectators, an explosion of emotions that they feel. Besides well-known, "promoted" on the radio sang songs Roma beast humorous song "Luba", which can carry a guitar with your closest friends. To hear the new songs were: "Do not worry", "Dance", "Sunny Bunny". And a half hour finale of the concert "Beast" in Belgorod was "districts - districts", and said goodbye to the Roma fans words of the same song: "I'm going, I'm going good."

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