Sunday, October 20, 2013

"Rock Mechanics' experience as a guitar duo of Alexander and Andrei Vasilyev Lyapina

The entertainment complex "Young Guard" 7 May a different view unique multimedia Guitar Show Lyapina Alexander (ex-"Aquarium"), Andrew "Slim" Vasilyev ("DDT") and Dmitry Dibrova "Rock Mechanics". As never before, the sound was just a guitar. Show "Rock Mechanics", as we have already mentioned, Lyapin Dibrov invented in the continuation of traditions mixture of different genres, once actively promoted by the legendary Sergei Kuryokhin. In recent performances of "high Genre" represented a theremin artist Lydia Kavina. Now the guest artist was saxophonist Anatoly Gerasimov and clown Slava Polunin, the nickname of Kasia. "High genre," it is not obvious, because Gerasimov - recognized ethno-jazz instrumentalist and Kasia works in the genre of mime performance. Genres respectable, but the classic European culture without attitude. Therefore, the mixture of genres is was bound to move the differences between jazz, blues and rock music, in fact, presented a wonderful guitarist "DDT" Andrei Vasilyev. And so it happened. Solo Gerasimov remained on the periphery of the show, and stood in the middle of the brilliant guitar duo Alexander Lyapina and "Slim". Well, that would not play Lyapina laptop, which is not encrypted style rhythm section and electronic samples, the most interesting thing is in those moments when Lyapin Vasiliev played simultaneously. Rhythm and blues guitar hard Lyapina faced with the equally heavy guitars drive Vasilyev, and on their interaction sometimes seemed sparks. Musicians varied rhythmic units, two solos played at the same time, or left in the fiery funk tune - and it was a duet of guitar virtuosos. Sometimes Lyapin ran into the room, jumped on the table and played more Crimson-like gash. What Vasiliev replied always dense roar, as if "CAN" ovskogo-crazy blues. "Rock Mechanics" will try inside out tastelessness and its role in the country - said the idea of the show Dibrov - make music accessible to all, to be loved, but do not worry. There are people who are afraid of the word "rock", we want to open your eyes a little further and to prove to all that is not our Russian, Russian culture subjectively, but is a part of world culture. Not, for example, Chinese rock, not the French - we present the symbiosis, we streamed from different countries, many from the U.S., one from Germany "Although Dibrov time playing guitar Showed very little but a new video performance Dibrov... . found two sex symbol of the last century, the first of the "Amphibian Man", was the second -... "Fantomas" computer graphics alternated filming documentaries, Brezhnev and passionate and famous laugh Fantomas In keeping Kuryokhin Full-time singer "Rock Mechanics "American Amy Peters found a common language with Gerasimov. Gentle rhythm and blues singing gently, without effort, and just as accurately on saxophone and flute, she accompanied Anatoly Gerasimov. During all this time the necessary shares of madness trying to create a clown Kasia. Proved to be not so. He jumped very strongly with kids inflatable guitars and saxophones, but the importance of this variety of activities since the end of the show and not deleted. And, oh, he also appeared completely devoid of light piercing the gift of sadness that we the art of clowning, and the value so characteristic of his master Slava Polunin. But traditional Oriental Dancer Belly Dance Amir has deliberately done its job. She danced belly dance, and in combination with guitar solos Lyapina created quite absurd context. In short, regular show "Rock Mechanics" was again unexpected and ambiguous. And to predict what the next impossible, yet. It seems to me that here is the most important result of the interaction of good musicians, multimedia technologies and new ideas. Unpredictability. Creativity. Vadim Ponomarev,

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