Saturday, October 19, 2013

"Safety Magic» Dibrova run a program "Anthropology Live!"

25th June, on the last Saturday of the month at the entertainment center "Young Guard" Dibrov present a second club program "Anthropology Live!" With the participation of the Moscow group "security Magic" that is the Russian "King Crimson is." Born as a result of a jam session, the team plays in the ethno-jazz-rock, acoustic folk instruments combined with a MIDI processor, a virtual analog synthesizer and guitar effects in compositions "Safety Magic" uses exotic instruments. Tresses Cuban guitar, Australian didgeridoo, Indian tabla, bansuri flute, dorbuk, Jumbo and others. The musicians called the style in which the game, "transcendental aerobatics music events, unpredictable mix of music throughout the world." This is the basic idea of the Show, "anthropology LIVE!" The combination of a variety of bizarre ideas and genres, creative teaching and future technologies. show Dmitry Dibrova is magic of the brightest representatives of world music with the help and assistance of "ERA", which the Tech High Equipment for the show HDTV (High Definition Television) is to be improved. HD offers exceptionally clear, bright and sharp image, almost identical in quality to 35-mm film. At the press is also a party to the following show, " Anthropology LIVE! "Specially comes to us on July 30 for a single concert in Russia. A press conference and reception for journalists to start at 20.00. The show, "anthropology LIVE Dmitry Dibrova" at 21.00 clock. Address entertainment center "Young Guard": Dmitrovskoe, Building 27 (Hotel "Youth") for accreditation Tel: 8-926-231-0726, Elena Karpova.

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