Sunday, September 1, 2013

Euro Vision semifinal promises white birds and pink tank

In SC "Olympic", the first rehearsal of the first semi-final of the "Euro Vision 2009" was. It became clear that the wait for the audience. The ceremony began with a flight over the roof of the Olympic stadium glowing painted bird, the country sisters on the scene Tolmachevi. They revive the great swan, which light up balloons in the colors of the flags of all 42 participating countries. Leading Andrey Malakhov and Natalia Vodianova has started a competition, and the movement is large landscape. A large screen in a semi-circle - they are in a three-dimensional image of the background scene arranged. In the air directly above the speaker hovers another round screen, consisting of a dozen three-meter independent displays. And right in the middle is a number of columns screens. Thus, the stage three huge videopoloten, each divided as dozens of separate screens is needed. All except the background are able to move in all directions. Final for the convenience of visitors television image broadcast on two screens at the sides of the stage. For each artist is intended as graphics and special events on stage. Belarusian Peter Elfimov vetroduvom surprised that attracts long white robes dancers on the podium a few feet. Armenian duo Inga and Anush torches lit by lightning more than two meters tall, and dancers in traditional dress dancing a stylized folklore Armenian dance. Favorites competition Turk Hadith without. Solely on his hit penetration Düm Tek Tek, in a flash of flames on a red background with white butterflies unforgettable dance dance with the guy in the men's Turkish rock Girls of the Israeli duo Noa and Mira Awad long sensual look into each other's eyes and embrace as our "Tattoo", and then bang on the hard metal drums. In the speech of Bulgarian singer Krassimir Avramov virtual fire burns in every 200 m screen, but on stilts and jump, and he Avramov delivers the high notes of the countertenor voice, which is not impossible to remember. Finland's Waldo's People also refers to the fire - special guys twist fire poi, and then shoots some artists fireworks. And some of the participants are not surprising stage effects, but only themselves. Sweden's Malena Ernman sing ... Operatic voice, performing breathtaking glissandos in the spirit of the divas of the film "The Fifth Element". Macedonian band Next Time certainly amazing that plays hard rock. Sometimes lying on the floor. Matiyskaya singer Chiara was the third time performing at "Euro Vision", and on the stage alone - in their opinion, that's enough. Here is another favorite of the Euro Vision Bosnia and Herzegovina Regina group while in flight and hit the drums, but the emphasis is still on the emotional song. Some manage no surprise. And that's surprising. Such, for example, Andorra, Switzerland, Iceland, Romania, Portugal. While the votes are tallied, the audience will be entertained by the military choir, gypsies and Cossacks. A certain amount of fun to the ensemble of the military drummer. Group "Tatu" singing "Not Gonna Get Us" in English, on the background of the huge inflatable pink tank and military fighters. Total production scale semifinals is amazing and offers great entertainment for the evening. Guru KEN, - Photo Contest - Svetlana Maltsev, "Photo of stars"

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