Popular blues singer Lyudmila Sokolova, the public shared the song made famous by DJ Smash "New Wave", with a reporter MUZ amusing gossip news. Occurred during a recent speech in honor of the birthday of one of the Russian businessmen in the Moscow elite nightclub confusion, one of the guests of honor of the festival, the heir to a large fortune, and on the nature of the ordinary man from the United Arab Emirates, rushed to the scene at the time of execution Lyudmila song "New Wave" is suddenly worried that the singer. Young hero, whose name is being kept secret hastened to Ludmila neck began to hug and kiss. When stunned, but still finished the song Lyudmila delighted guest of honor took her microphone and in perfect English with the whole audience has Ludmilla marriage. In a brief speech enthusiasm, he explained that the voice of Lyudmila fascinated him when he first heard the song "New Wave". He found information on the Internet, Lyudmila, downloaded songs and promised himself that he take them off as soon as it finds. By happy coincidence, the meeting in one of Moscow clubs instead ... Lyudmila Sokolova "- and everything would be fine," - says Lyudmila, - "I would be the queen of the oil well, but the true love for me, as money and oil rigs." At the gala evening young hero had not only communication with Lyudmila, but her husband, a famous Russian musician and composer Vladimir Kovalev. He knows the public as a songwriter Batyr Shukenov (A-Studio), Alexander Ivanov (Rondo), as a member of the musical "We Will Rock You" and a theater Alla Pugacheva. Vladimir Kovalev, the young enthusiastic visitors from UAE Vladimir until unfortunately was not familiar. Between men took a brief dialogue, in which it decided that a guy would be another girl of the bride to find a number of student Lyudmila Sokolova was. This case was reminded Lyudmila create the singing school. "You never know - says Luda - maybe one of my participants are famous Russian pop star, and someone seems the status of oil magnate UAE ... Too bad." Official website Lyudmila Sokolova: www.ludasokolova.com
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