Sunday, August 25, 2013

Euro vision as a major European USSR

No, our brother is up to snuff. Euro vision anyway - be the USSR championship. Do you want to change the voting rules. Want to semifinals to destroy in any format. Would you refuse to vote for the neighbors neighbors. Ha! The Soviet Union consisted of 15 Soviet republics. This is not a six republics of Yugoslavia, and not brother. USSR - is power. ESC constantly backstage negotiations about how to halt this "Russian" stop. Fight, as they can. Svante Stockselius not sleep at night thinking about how to save the favorite child of attacking hordes from the East. But not a scrap of the consequences of the "cold war", he is still there. And also not. The second semifinal was much stronger than the first, and what had been warned in advance. But what about us? Each of the former Soviet Union took place in the final. All, with one exception. The Baltic countries are not, and on your own. Therefore - Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia can smoke in the locker room. And quite apart from the major European powers. Forward, and with a song! And we are in the final of Popo. Here it is, the Garde finalists 2010: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia. Not enough for brilliance images only Central Asian countries. But everything is solved. Kazakhstan aims to catch others. Euro vision to move office in Moscow. Or in Chisinau, it is closer to fly to Brussels. Europe has nothing to fear. The Soviet Union - a large shower. She generously gives England win and finally - if the Euro vision comes Muse. She perked up and the Italians to their zahirevshim Sanremo not boast, sent back to Toto Cutugno, and he - would have won again! Does anyone doubt that the USSR not win Toto Cutugno? Well, we have sometimes won. If Big Pu desperately need some success in something cultural. Or the new president hanging Gro birthday .... And we'll all live together and peacefully. In our major European USSR. Guru KEN

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