No sooner was the Anastasia Prikhodko, who sang on "Euro Vision 2009" for Russia to return home to Kiev, as a girl called back to Moscow. This time - a visit by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. "We wanted to share my impressions at home, but Nastia called and invited to the Kremlin - told the newspaper" Today "producer Alain Prikhodko Brain -. No details were told that the President her a worthy performance in" thank Euro Vision " . wanted Anastasia Prikhodko said Brain, which is now in Istanbul, Anastasia has to go no fear of the Kremlin: "Well, it's not on the stage! This is before or after the show from excessive emotions, she could cry, but a meeting with Medvedev said. "It is above all a man," But I'm worried, but because of something else: how to "Shakhtar" with " Bremen "play" By the way, on the same day, a few hours earlier, Medvedev spoke with the Prime Minister of Norway, congratulates artists from their country by Alexander Rybak.
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