Sunday, August 25, 2013

Cash he drew a picture of the rooms at the Euro Vision 2010

Peter Nalitch held a second dress rehearsal for "Telenor Arena" in Oslo. It went without any major problems. As in the first trial, the group of Peter Nalitch stage of a drummer, a pillar, a bassist, two guitarists and a keyboardist. Peter is dressed in a green blouse, black scarf and black trousers. Perhaps this is the most modest outfits for all euro vision. Russia this year is mainly based on the demonstration of their musical skills as the show and special effects. While numbers flock to Peter and his group, whereby the effect of the snow. The musician was happy with the sound quality of the dress rehearsal. After the trial, the press conference Peter camp. The Russian delegation is satisfied with the action on stage. Pitre said that by the second rehearsal they agreed on all the details of the technical side of the problem, and a team. Israeli journalist asked Peter what kind of person in the photo, which he presented on the stage instead. Cash said: "This is only an abstract drawing that I did yesterday, it's not a real man." Another journalist asked why the group decided for the slow and gimnooobraznuyu song, despite the fact that the old hits of the group were fast songs. Cash said that he and the group believe that it is the right time to send the Euro Vision Song Contest, was a slow song, and that the style is well suited to them. Peter said that the group plans to the semifinals effektnosti still greater numbers. But did not explain how he plans to achieve this.

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