Russian hope "Euro Vision" Peter Nalitch that the first few days in Oslo led withdrawn, made a party, the party in Belarus "Evrodome." Life Showbiz meets "Peter is there with friends" (this is in Norway, called "Peter Nalitch") in "Evrodome" fresh with a glass of beer - so the actors mentioned in the semifinals of a successful rehearsal at Telenor Arena. - Of course we are not in Germany, but here in Norway is also very tasty beer - told in "Evrodome." - Availability tried several varieties and was very pleased. Familiar at a party with colleagues from other countries, especially Peter cheered this time: a 29-year-old Peter had no problems with artificial snow, nor wind, portrait of a girl from him. Peter Nalitch - interest in your group improved more after the first, and after the second we started talking about the fact that the participants from Russia a good chance of reaching the final, has - one of the employees at the location. To the party that fit the Belarusian group "3 +2", a song written by the way Max Fadeev to support their countrymen came last year's winner of the "Euro" Alexander Rybak is. - Good evening, I'm glad to see everyone here today - Alexander began. - Alexander, speaking English, it's "Euro Vision" - killed singer. - And I thought it was the Belarusian party and understand most of the guests here - Russian replied Fischer, who had become friends with the presence of half an hour, and wished him the victory.
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