Two weeks ago, during a tour of Ukraine Yulia Savicheva raised a possible infection. Since the temperature was nearly constant in range between 38 and 39,2. "I felt bad for the last song at a concert in Donetsk Just as suddenly all the lights went out I immediately realized that the sick..", - Says the singer. Meanwhile, it happened just before the RMA, but the singer has canceled no ideas and even sang at the awards ceremony MTV Russia in spite of the temperature under 40. In between concerts Julia actively treated, even in bed, take a pill, do not forget about the music. Especially during his illness, she worked on new material, recorded at home rough vocals to one of the new songs. "I do not lie fallow," - she speaks modestly about his "exploits". Fortunately, there were no complications. Julia Savicheva already recovered and is doing well. One of these days, they shoot the video for the song "If you live in the heart of love," and in the TV series "not born beautiful."
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