The winner of the fourth "Idol" Irina Dubtsova which is now eight months pregnant, forced to starve yourself. Singer for the health of the future child went on buckwheat and water. "Buckwheat diet" Dubtsova advise doctors, the newspaper "Life". The child was born Zdorovenki and strong has to eat Irina buckwheat and fruit, all washed down with water. Adherence to diet carefully monitored spouse "fabrikantka" front man "plasma" Roman Chernitsyn. According to the instructions of the doctors should drink Irina not less than one and a half liters of water per day, and all soft drinks in the list of forbidden foods "that contain without the Ira has a really hard time, so it is not sweet - the man says: "fabrikantka. "- Chocolate cake and is not desirable." After birth, the baby will go novel for a while, stop touring and devote themselves to their families. Future father believes that Irene would be difficult to cope with a child and interested in helping his wife in her work.
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