Friday, March 1, 2013

Were published in the singing of the Old Believers in Oregon

6th June 2011 on the label "Bomba-Piter" is in a unique musical and educational project published "Russian Old Believers of Oregon." Songs of the Old Believers - the source of many old Russian tradition, spiritual culture, which is transmitted for centuries, and not changed by the spirit of the time. How many centuries ago not sing the notes, and hooks, write sarcastic ditty lead everyday singing love songs spiritual songs (Psalms). Collector folklore Razumovskaya Elena (in the 70s opened Fedosyevna Olga Sergeeva, two discs, which were published by "Bomba-Piter") in the nineties, visited the United States, Oregon, a community of Russian Old Believers. Recorded embodies rich spiritual and cultural tradition in the photographs and in scientific work of Elena Nikolaevna, and the musical part of the tradition on the physical media. If we look at the musical tradition of the Old Believers, it's authentic, starts at the source of Russia's past is in the U.S., but in the home of a veiled topic, some paid. Amazingly, it is a fact - America took the Russian Old Believers. Supply free credits and free from taxes for 10 years, was the management of Oregon the opportunity to develop, and productive citizens of the country. Russia conquered the facts in its history, when a culture came under heavy rigid arm of the political regime, the company announced a new spirit of culture and tradition. It happened with the Russian Old Believers, who do not accept church reform Nikon (1656) as a result of persecution in the late XVII - early XVIII century were landing on the Transdanubia in Turkey, in Brazil. Since 1962, the community of Russian Old Believers living in the U.S. state of Oregon, a city Woodborne (Woodburn). Relevant in modern bourgeois society will make movement toward loyalty and support of the spiritual and cultural traditions of the small groups, because every detail matters more mechanisms to work properly. Sacred and secular songs: musical project "Russian Old Believers of Oregon" is represented by two discs. 22nd June 14.00 musical project "Russian Old Believers in Oregon" will be presented at the seventh major exhibition Festival "Best Projects of Russia-2011" at the St. Petersburg Economic Forum. Location: "Constantine Palace" on 15 June at 20.00 clock in the Petersburg store "Barrister at Rebellion" - ". Russian Old Believers of Oregon" a creative meeting and presentation of the musical project Guest Lecture: anthropologist known musicologist, folklorist Razumovskaya EN Presenting anyone can buy CDs with unique pieces of music. For those interested in the Russian tradition, folklore collecting, studying the history of the project "Russian Old Believers of Oregon" - used source of knowledge and enlightenment.

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