Wednesday, March 27, 2013

"Ranetki" - "Ranetki"

The album begins with the beautiful girlish squeal. "Simply, we are children, we - Ranetki, we taste, we - Ranetki" - The slogan that defines the style of the new promising band "Ranetki". Provocative rock 'n' roll with a touch of Brit-Popov keys. Do girls play all the instruments, and "a rock-n-roll drive." Forget about the other almost forgotten by many artists concept Several songs of her album is already in hot rotation of radio stations, and are well known to the public. Provocative rock 'n' roll with a touch of Brit-Popov keys It would be strange if the "Ranetki" did not sing about love. After all, what else to sing a normal 15-year-old girls - suffer not a lesbian, or politics. They sing about boys, about dating and separation. Such healthy mood lacked long our rock 'n' roll, embroiled in a homosexual aesthetics and politicking. Bass and keys are often synchronized so that a juicy lead guitar playing in open space - the melody is always the first place. All kinds of vocal soloists sing about. Open piercing afterburner, which is at the top in almost a squeak. It's damn organic and leaves in the vocal delivery of natural teenage dialogue, say, to the club. An adult would not say so, but the song is not about them and not for them. Of the 14 tracks, almost half - quite continuously, is that the brightness compensated shock hits - "We Ranetki" "not sleeping heart", and "She's the one", "You have loved me." Arrangement reminds Heritage Queen and Led Zeppelin. Mastering Studios in London Masterpiece almost perfect, all tracks bring in one colorful array of sadness to joy explosion. The hardest part of this first album - publish a second. Set too high rail. Recommended rock teenagers, especially girls. Not recommended pedants "right" brand and Russian rock. Guru KEN, Megaliner. The presentation took place in December 2006 Music News: 10.08.

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