Friday, March 1, 2013

"Vedan Kolod" show "Dancing Devils"

Slavic ethnic music ensemble "Vedan Kolod" 1 December, presents an album of "Dancing Devils", published on Sketis Music. Special guests - Sergey Starostin and Altaic Cheynesh singer. ASEM "Vedan Kolod" (translated from the Old Slavonic language "prophetic tree") began in February 2005 in Krasnoyarsk. During that short time, the band has on the stages of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk, Perm, Kyzyl, Divnogorsk Kudymkar etc. "Vedan Kolod" The core creative ensemble is Russia's pagan past. Music teacher Valery Naryshkin restored rare instruments that should be many centuries ago. This Scythian horn, harp, zhaleyka, harmonica, ocarina, Slavonic drums, etc. The repertoire of the ensemble - original songs, including the Old Slavonic language, authentic songs of Siberia and western Russia, the Siberian migrants from Belarus, Ukraine, Bulgaria, instrumental compositions, overtone singing. In July 2005, won the International Festival of Live Music and Faith "Ustuu-Khuree" "Vedan Kolod" the best Russian ethnic groups in 2005. And in August in the English magazine "Bristol News" journalist Simon Vayk currently at festivals in Russia, said the group "Vedan Kolod" has a great future because their performance has left the biggest impression in his memory. At the All-Siberian festival in Novosibirsk in November 2005, the organizers recognized the band "Vedan Kolod" the brightest and the most important discovery of the season in ethnic and folk music. The "Vedan Kolod" - "Evil Dead", "The Evil Dead" - this is the second album of the ensemble. The first - "Tribes" - came on Panfiloff Music. Ingredients: Tatiana Naryshkin - Head (vocals, flute, ocarina, Slavonic small drums, horn, harp.). Valerii Naryshkin - Master of the instruments (vocals, drums ball Slavic, Slavonic bagpipe, harp, Scythian horn, whistle, flute, ocarina, Vargan ball, and small, Etc ...) Daria Antipov - Administrator (vocals and small. Ball Slavonic drums kaval) Pauline Fox -. (Vocals, spoons, maracas, flute). Guest Information: Sergey Starostin - outstanding performer of Russian folklore, the author of numerous musical projects for World Music Awards 2003, is annually the most interesting to a British company BBC musicians in the world, working with ethnic music. For many years, collecting and studying Russian folk songs brought the folklore expeditions and kept to 3,000 songs. Most of the instruments, which made of himself. Cheynesh - Altai singer, storyteller, who was born in the Altai Outback referred Ulagan. Since his childhood, singing has a wonderful sound and the sacred overtone. Throat singing voice of films such as by Strugatsky brothers, you "Hard to be a God." A. Herman (thumbnail, St. Petersburg.), "Man Wind", dir. H.Ahmetov (Filmstudio. Gorky, Moscow). First December KC "Home", 20.00.

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