Having learned that. Below the stage, which was about Maxim Galkin, the fire started Alla Pugacheva has warned of the danger and the favorite saved him from possible injury In the middle of filming the next edition of the show "Two stars" under the stage caught fire. The main characters of Super Channel project Alla Pugacheva after Larisa Dolina suddenly changed color. Diva grabbed the microphone and shouted anxiously: - Maksik, we have a problem, on the stage on fire! Alla Pugacheva Favorite warned of the danger and saved him from possible injury Galkin was only at the bar with the participants of the show - a few yards from the source of fire. How do you know "TD" diva first reported about the incident with the headset. She herself was at the time in the VIP box. Behind the scenes of panic. Artists began to look around anxiously. Someone moved toward the exit, someone coughed. Shooting stopped immediately. From all sides rushed to the scene of the abuse. Thus formed a critical situation was director of music broadcast by Channel Yuri Aksyuta. - All are here! - Shouted Yuri. - Wear a faster fire extinguisher! Not yielding to the general panic, clearly giving away Aksyuta continued leadership. - Do not put out of the water! - Shouted Yuri. - There is a fire extinguisher! The role of the psychologist, the show host Maxim Galkin The operation took Aksyutov no time to ignite the flame. Otherwise (and there were many in the studio - gathered participants in two seasons of the "Star") all the stars would have to be evacuated. The role of the psychologist took the show host Maxim Galkin. - All put out, let's go, - said Maxim artists around. - Calm down, everything was gone. Within a few minutes, if it is not picked up a burning smell, parodist assumed his duties.
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